Monday 16 April 2012

~ Destination 6~Pom Pom Island(Sabah)

Assalamualaikum and hello...
this time we will travel to Pom Pom Island at Sabah~Negeri di bawah bayu..
Pom Pom Island mAP...

welcome to Pom Pom Island..

Pom Pom Island is around 45 minutes by boat from Borneo's coast; it has rich tropical vegetation and is surrounded by white sand and the turquoise waters of the Celebes Sea.It is on part of this beautiful island that "Pom Pom Island Resort" finds it home.Pom Pom Island Resort is a a new and exclusive resort located on Celebes Sea (Latitude 04˚36' , Longitude 118˚52')Geographically, Pom Pom Island is among the few rare islands found on the South China Sea.
Pom Pom Island are famous with the clean and beauty the sea and the diving activity are the main activity here..
The underwater world is a different world compared to the surface, with marine life that you have never seen or heard about before. Every dive you will find something fresh and new to experience and enjoy. There are many divers out there, professional, leisure or hobby, all having different reasons to dive, you can join them and the best part is, it's fun! 
The diving island view..

Everything on the Pom Pom Island seems designed to make you have the holiday of your lifetime, so you should not hesitate about choosing it as your destination..^_^

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