Friday 20 April 2012

Destination 2~Miyajima Island Hiroshima(Japan)

Lets travel to  Miyajima Island Hiroshima at Japan.. 

Miyajima in the Saeki District of Hiroshima is a beautiful island adorned with a number of fascinating locales. Originally named Itsukushima, the island is popularly called Miyajima, or the Shrine Island. The town has been honored as a sacred destination as Kobo Daishi, a monk, chose the island as a seat of Buddhist Shingon Sect. The island has since then been preserving its sanctity, and stands today as a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims across the globe. Miyajima today is a fascinating locale with its coastline, and the quaint look that the city still wears.

Torii gate..

The present incarnation of the Itsukushima-jinja shrine is one of the island's greatest attractions, and the "floating" red torii gate that stands in the shallow waters of the bay when the tide is in remains one of the most photographed views in Japan.

Senjikaku or the '1000 Mat Pavilion' is a 15th century construction having a huge wooden hall. A towering 5 storey pagoda lines by a host of cherry trees is another perk with the pavilion.Daisho-in is a quiet Buddhist temple fringed by hills. With its golden prayer wheels and its Henjokutsu Cave, the desolate temple evokes a different sensation altogether..

Have fun!!

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