Monday 26 March 2012

Destination 13 ~ Taman Negara (Pahang)

~Assalamualaikum and hello..this time,i would like to introduce about Taman Negara at Jerantut Pahang-Malaysia.....
Here,we go..
Taman Negara  is Malaysia's largest National Park. It's the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. You can pay it a visit, but you have to buy a permit. In this National Park there are a lot of adventerous and interesting activities can be done and we also can see wild animal such as leopards, tigers, boars, deer, elephants, rhinoceros, hornbills, monkeys and many other animals.Then we also can go to Orang asli settlement.The orang asli are shy and gentile native and they can usually be found along some of the forest trails or by the river.

Orang asli at Taman Negara..

Then ,Canopy Walk also one of the most interesting activities to be done. Canopy Walk

That's a walk across a 400 meter man-made bridge, suspended 25 to 40 meters above the ground (look at the photo). It's the longest canopy walk of its kind. Every morning the ropes are inspected. The canopy walk gives you the opportunity to view the rich and divers flora and fauna at the very summit of the forest. You will see: birds, monkeys and squirrels. The experience is marvelous.     

u must be brave to walk along this longest canopy walk...
 Then,for those who love to swim in the river,Taman Negara is also the good choice. the river are clean from thedirty and it was care by the government. After walking and jungle trekking,it really good when take bath in the river.
cool and refresh...
 So, Taman Negara is one of the interesting place to adventure and explore. there are still a lot of interesting activities can be done there and to know that,i advise u go there and feel the experience by your own..have a nice trip and enjoy it...^_^

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