Monday 27 February 2012

Destination 15~Cik Siti Wan Kembang State..

Assalamualaikum and hallu...
Lets travel with me in Kelantan Darul Kelantanese,surely i wanna to introduce and promote my state first..but not only for that reason,Kelantan is really one of the most beautiful place in the world to get been travel...hehehe..don believe it??lets feel the fun in kelantan..
here we are..KELANTAN!

Firstly,for those who love to spend time a the beach,kelantan had a lot of beautiful and amazing beach such as  Beach of melody(Pantai Irama), Beach of the Whispering Breeze(Pantai Bisikan Bayu) , Beach of the moonlight(Pantai Cahaya Bulan)and Beach of Seven Lagoons( Pantai Seri Tujuh)..let see the pic...
lets feel da beach of seven lagoon
beach of melody..
Then ,beside the beach..i will bring u to othe uniqer place in kelantan..have u seen the market where there are majority of the seller are women?now,when u go to Pasar Siti Khadijah,u will not only can buy but see all the enttrepreneur are women..
Pasar Siti Khadijah

Then,for those who love to shopping,there are a lot of place to go but here i want to suggest Wakaf Che Yeh and Rantau Panjang. Wakaf Che Yeh in Kelantan is the largest market in the state which also serves as the main wholesale market in the North East and was open seven day perweek and alive at night. For Rantau Panjang,it is a town in Kelantan.It is the major border crossing between Malaysia and Thailand for theEast Coast of Malaysia. The town on the Thai side across the Golok River which forms the boundary between the two countries is Sungai Golok.The town has a duty-free shopping area where you can find electronic goods, cigarettes and clothes and lets shopping....
Wakaf cHE yEh..

welcome..Rnatau Panjang

I would like to introduce a special dishes at Kelantan which is Nasi Kerabu and Nasi Dagang.kelantaness are famous with these kind of cook and kelantanese also love to eat “budu”. One of the familiar things with kelantan people.


nyum2..Nasi Kerabu..

Nasi Dagang..^^,
So,that a litle bit that i can share about Kelantan with u...wanna know the feel,u must come and travel by yourslf will be fun..thanks for reading and let travel with me at other place soon,,^^,

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