Saturday 29 December 2012


semalam ak ada exam..exam under TBE..and i was fail..masa kuar dewan tu ak blank,bla dpt taw fail, zero je prsaan ak...but when sampai kt asrma je..ak nangis..nangis and nangis...baru trasa ksdhan tu x mmtahkn smgt ak utk cba kli ke du2 n ak akn usha sebaik mgkin utk kli ni..insyaaaALLAH..

kan? it doesnt mean i will be lost. and i must be better than yesterday and the day that had gone to create the nice and better future..insyaaALLAH.. ALLAH sntiasa ada utk kita,jgn kita je y lalai n lari dari DIA(nauzubillah),la tahzan   keep praying and smiling,,^__^

Friday 28 December 2012


lama asenye x menulis kt ni sbnrnya utk asimen sem bla di pikir2 blik..apa slhnya ia mnjdi medan untuk luahan rasa empunya diri ini..wink2..
rindu itu anugerah..tiba2 ckp sal rindu lak..hrmmm,mmg..lumrah kehidupan....
rasa rindu itu hadir tanpa di pinta...merindui yang Maha Esa..merindui kekasih ALLAH.,merindui keluarga dan para sahabat..ape y pasti..hati ini terusik dek rasa rindu yang bertamu...
rindu itu satu perasaan..ia xdpt di elak namun dpt dikawal..jagalah hatimu agar rindu itu mnjadi anugerah yang indah..

Saturday 21 April 2012

Destination 1~Eiffel Tower (Paris)

Everyone loves Paris, as much for its shady boulevards, cafe life and general romantic atmosphere as for the more famous sights such as the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame Cathedral...
Here we are at Paris...

Eiffel Tower..

The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) in Paris, France is one of the most recognizable structures in the world, and one of the symbolic structures of France. The tower is the tallest structure in Paris, standing at 1,063 feet (325 meters), and is also one of the city’s most visited landmarks. It was originally built as a temporary structure that was to be torn down after 20 years, but survived criticism and demolition to become the icon it is today.
Inaugurated March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower would be the tallest structure in the world until the completion of the Chrysler Building in 1930.

As a tourist spot, the tower draws an average of 10,000 visitors a day, who have access to the first three floors, getting them as high as 902 feet (275 meters). Two restaurants reside in the tower, one of them run by renown chef Alain Ducasse. The Tower welcomed its 200,000,000th visitor in 2002.
So,,welcome to romance city..

Friday 20 April 2012

Destination 2~Miyajima Island Hiroshima(Japan)

Lets travel to  Miyajima Island Hiroshima at Japan.. 

Miyajima in the Saeki District of Hiroshima is a beautiful island adorned with a number of fascinating locales. Originally named Itsukushima, the island is popularly called Miyajima, or the Shrine Island. The town has been honored as a sacred destination as Kobo Daishi, a monk, chose the island as a seat of Buddhist Shingon Sect. The island has since then been preserving its sanctity, and stands today as a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims across the globe. Miyajima today is a fascinating locale with its coastline, and the quaint look that the city still wears.

Torii gate..

The present incarnation of the Itsukushima-jinja shrine is one of the island's greatest attractions, and the "floating" red torii gate that stands in the shallow waters of the bay when the tide is in remains one of the most photographed views in Japan.

Senjikaku or the '1000 Mat Pavilion' is a 15th century construction having a huge wooden hall. A towering 5 storey pagoda lines by a host of cherry trees is another perk with the pavilion.Daisho-in is a quiet Buddhist temple fringed by hills. With its golden prayer wheels and its Henjokutsu Cave, the desolate temple evokes a different sensation altogether..

Have fun!!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Destination 3~Sentosa Island(Singapore)

This time,we are travel to Sentosa Island at Singapore.
Here we are...Singapore...
There are a lot of interesting activities can be done here. one of them is visit the Underwater World.

Underwater World view..
This is the Underwater World oceannarium on Sentosa and houses more than 2,500 fishes from 250 species. You can start your Underwater World tour with the Touch Pool to experience the stingrays, baby sharks and star fish. The visitors can venture into the depths of the ocean via a travellator.
It ferries through a tunnel which is 83-meter long. And if you love to get wet then you can try the interesting activities like 'Dive with the Dugong' or 'Dive with the Sharks'. These activities at the Underwater World are mind blowing. Come close with the sharks and marine life at 'Dive with the Sharks' package. It is opened from 9 am to 9 pm daily. 
So experience a fun filled discovery at this destination in Sentosa island . 

Wednesday 18 April 2012

~ Destination 4~Krabi(Thailand)

This time,we will explore about Krabi at Thailand..
Krabi is located in a very beautiful part of Thailand. With karsts hills and mangrove forest, there are many cave and nature trails for adventurers.

Krabi map...
The most alluring part of Krabi provinces are the secluded beaches and the off shore islands.
This unique sand bank is one of the 2 strips that joins two islands during the low tides.
Holiday makers enjoy the sun bathing in the open seas, surrounded by - only tiny islands.

Defination of an "island' varies tremendously. More important is the type of activities the this single piece of outcrop that juts out from the sea, can support.
While the depth beside this island also encourage diving activities. The odd shaped left over from weathering promotes tourism. Visitors are taken a tour of the surrounding island with the landmark as a stopping point.

The whole province of Krabi has uncounted number of places for holidays and vacations....

~ Destination 5-Angkor Wat

There are few places anywhere on earth to match the splendor of Angkor Wat. The temple is one of the largest monuments to religion ever built and is truly one the wonders of the world. Believed to have been constructed as a temple and mausoleum for King Suryavarman II at the peak of the Khmer empire in the first half of the 12th century, Angkor Wat is probably the best-preserved of the Angkorean temples.
Angkor Map...

Angkor Wat view..

The five towers symbolise Mount Meru's five peaks. It is difficult to express in words the enormous scale of Angkor Wat, but it can be explained in part by a look at the dimensions of the complex. The temple is surrounded by a moat which makes the one around the Tower of London, built at roughly the same time, look like nothing more than a garden trench.tourist can see the unique and the history of Angkor Wat..
At 190 meters wide and forming a rectangle measuring 1.5 km by 1.3 km, it is hard to imagine any attacking force overwhelming the defenses. But the moat was more than just a defensive bulwark, in line with the temple's Hindu origins it represented the oceans of the world. A rectangular wall measuring 1025 metres by 800 metres borders the inner edge of the moat. There is a gate in each side of the wall, but unusually for the mainly Hindu-influenced Angkorian temples, the main entrance faces west. This entrance is a richly decorated portico, 235 m wide with three gates. However, the temple's greatest sculptural treasure is its 2 km-long bas-reliefs around the walls of the outer gallery and the hundred figures of devatas and apsaras.
~come and see the unique of this temple..